Paolo Acciari, Facundo Alvaredo, and Salvatore Morelli,
The Concentration of Personal Wealth in Italy 1995–2016,
Forthcoming in: Journal of European Economic Association
Brian Nolan, Juan Palomino, and Philippe Van Kerm, and Salvatore Morelli,
Intergenerational Wealth Transfers in Great Britain from the Wealth and Assets Survey in Comparative Perspective,
Fiscal Studies,
2022, 1-21 [link]
Nishant Yonzan, Branko Milanovic, Salvatore Morelli, and Janet Gornick,
Drawing a Line: Comparing the Estimation of Top Incomes Between Tax Data and Household Survey Data,
Journal of Economic Inequality,
2022 [link]
Paolo Acciari and Salvatore Morelli,
Wealth Transfers and Net Wealth at Death: Evidence from the Italian Inheritance Tax Records 1995-2016,
R. Chetty, J. M. Friedman, J. C. Gornick, B. Johnson & A. Kennickell, University of Chicago Press,
NBER Volume "Measuring Distribution and Mobility of Income and Wealth"
2021, working paper No. 27899 , [Link]
Yonatan Berman and Salvatore Morelli,
On the Distribution of Estates and the Distribution of Wealth: Evidence from the Dead,
R. Chetty, J. M. Friedman, J. C. Gornick, B. Johnson & A. Kennickell, University of Chicago Press,
NBER Volume "Measuring Distribution and Mobility of Income and Wealth",
2021, working paper No. 28546 , [Link]
Salvatore Morelli, Brian Nolan, Juan Palomino, and Philippe Van Kerm,
Inheritance, Gifts and the Wealth Deficit of Low-Income Households,
Journal of European Social Policy,
2021, Vol. 31, Issue 5 [link]
Brian Nolan, Juan C. Palomino, Philippe Van Kerm, Salvatore Morelli,
Intergenerational Wealth Transfers and Wealth Inequality in Rich Countries: What Do We Learn from Gini Decomposition?,
Economics Letters,
2021, Vol. 199, 109701 [link]
Ercio Munõz and Salvatore Morelli,
kmr: A STATA Command to Correct Survey Weights for Unit Nonresponse,
The Stata Journal,
2021, Vol. 21, Issue 1 [link]
Morelli S.,
The Dynamics of Wealth Concentration: Thoughts on Tony Atkinson’s Contributions,
Italian Economic Journal,
2020, 6, 197–205 [link]
Morelli S.,
Banking Crises in the US: the Response of Top Income Shares in a Historical Perspective,
Journal of Economic Inequality,
First Online: 02 June 2018 [link]
Alvaredo F., A.B. Atkinson and S. Morelli,
Top Wealth Shares in the UK over More than a Century,
Journal of Public Economics,
March 2018 [link]
Morelli S.,
Rising Inequality and Economic Sability,
H. Boushey, B. DeLong and M. Steinbaum,
After Piketty: the Inequality Agenda post-Capital in the 21st Century
Harvard University Press (HUP), 2017
Alvaredo F., A.B. Atkinson and S. Morelli,
The Challenge of Measuring UK Wealth Inequality in the 2000s,
Fiscal Studies,
March 2016 [link]
Morelli S. and A.B. Atkinson,
Inequality and Crises Revisited,
Economia Politica - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics,
February 2015 [link]
Morelli S., T. Smeeding and J. Thompson,
Post-1970 Trends in Within-Country Inequality and Poverty: Rich and Middle Income Countries,
in A. Atkinson and F. Bourguignon (eds),
Handbook of Income Distribution
Elsevier B.V., 2015, Volume 2A, pp. 596-693 , [Link]