Wednesday, 24 July 2019
20.00 Reception and Dinner – “Giardino Mediterraneo”
Thursday, 25 July 2019
09.15 – 09.30 Welcome address
Morning Session – Chair: Kurt Mitman (Stockholm University)
09.30 – 10.30 Luigi Bocola (Stanford University)
“Imperfect Risk-Sharing and the Business Cycle” (joint with David Berger and Alessandro Dovis)
Discussant: Kurt Mitman (Stockholm University)
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00 – 12.00 Martin Eichenbaum (Northwestern University)
“Monetary Policy and the Predictability of Nominal Exchange Rates” (joint with Ben Johansen and Sergio Rebelo)
Discussant: Ethan Ilzetzki (London School of Economics)
12.00 – 13.00 Larry Christiano (Northwestern University)
“Financial Dollarization in Emerging Markets: Efficient Risk Sharing or Prescription for Disaster?” (joint with Husnu Dalgic and Armen Nurbekyan)
Discussant: Luigi Iovino (Bocconi University)
13.00- 14.30 Lunch
Afternoon Session – Chair: Luigi Paciello (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance)
14.30 – 15.30 Kurt Mitman (Stockholm University)
“Consumer Bankruptcy as Aggregate Demand Management” (joint with Adrien Auclert)
Discussant: Claudio Michelacci (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance)
15.30 – 16.30 Marco Di Maggio (Harvard Business School)
“Second Chance: Life without Student Debt” (joint with Ankit Kalda and Vincent W. Yao)
Discussant: Saverio Simonelli (university of Naples Federico II and CSEF)
20.00 Reception and Dinner (by invitations only)
Friday, 26 July 2019
Morning Session – Chair: Martin Eichenbaum (Northwestern University)
09.30 – 10.30 Marios Angeletos (MIT)
“Managing Expectations without Rational Expectations” (joint with Karthik Sastry)
Discussant: Gaetano Gaballo (Banque de France)
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00 – 12.00 Luigi Paciello (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance)
“Ambiguous Policy Announcements” (joint with Claudio Michelacci)
Discussant: Eric Mengus (HEC Paris)
12.00 – 13.00 Virgiliu Midrigan (New York University)
“Markups and Inequality” (joint with Corina Boar)
Discussant: Salomé Baslandze (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance)
13.00- 14.30 Lunch
Afternoon Session – Chair: Saverio Simonelli (University of Naples Federico II and CSEF)
14.30 – 15.30 Adrien Auclert (Stanford University)
“Micro Jumps, Macro Humps: monetary policy and business cycles in an estimated HANK model” (joint with Matt Rognlie and Ludwig Straub)
Discussant: Morten Ravn (University College London)
Martin Eichenbaum (Northwestern University)
Luigi Paciello (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance)
Kurt Mitman (Stockholm University)
Morten Ravn (University College London)
Sergio Rebelo (Northwestern University)
Saverio Simonelli (University of Naples Federico II and CSEF)
The conference will be held at the Hotel della Regina Isabella ( in Ischia and is co-organised by the Center for International Macroeconomics (Northwestern University), the Center for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), the University College of London (UCL) and the Stockholm University.