Marco Maria Sorge,
To Bequeath, or not to Bequeath? On Labour Income Risk and Top Wealth Concentration,
Forthcoming in: The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics
Giovanni Angelini, Luca Fanelli, and Marco M. Sorge,
Is Time an Illusion? A Bootstrap Likelihood Ratio Test for Shock Transmission Delays in DSGE Models,
Forthcoming in: Computational Economics
Marcello D'Amato, Christian Di Pietro, and Marco M. Sorge,
Left and Right: A Tale of Two Tails of the Wealth Distribution,
Forthcoming in: Economic Theory
Marco Maria Sorge,
Even Imprudent Risk Lover May Engage in Precautionary Saving,
Forthcoming in: Journal of Economics
Chetan Dave and Marco M. Sorge,
Fat-Tailed DSGE Models: A Survey and New Results,
Forthcoming in: The Journal of Economic Surveys
Marco Maria Sorge,
Politics, financial regulation and housing bubbles,
Forthcoming in: The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Giovanni Angelini and Marco M. Sorge,
Under the Same (Chole)Sky: DNK models, Timing Restrictions and Recursive Identification of Monetary Policy Shocks,
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,
2021, Vol. 133, 104265 [link]
Chetan Dave and Marco Maria Sorge,
Equilibrium Indeterminacy and Sunspot Tales,
European Economic Review,
2021, Vol. 140, No.103933 [link]
M. D'Amato, C. Di Pietro, M. Pietroluongo, M.M. Sorge,
Good Co(o)p or Bad Co(o)p? Redistribution Concerns and Competiton in Credit Markets with Imperfect Information,
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy,
2021, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 657-694 [link]
Marco Maria Sorge,
Stabilizing Taylor Rules and Determinacy under Unit Root Supply Shocks: A Re-examination,
Journal of Macroeconomics,
2021, Vol. 69, 103312 [link]
Marcello D'Amato, Christian Di Pietro and Marco M. Sorge,
Credit Allocation in Heterogeneous Banking Systems,
German Economic Review,
2020, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 1-33 [link]
Dave, C. and M.M. Sorge,
Sunspot-Driven Fat Tails: A Note,
Economics Letters,
2020, Vol. 193, 109304 [link]
Sorge M.M.,
Computing Sunspot Solutions to Rational Expectations Models with Timing Restrictions,
The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics,
2020, 20 (2), 20180256
Sorge M.M.,
Arbitrary Initial Conditions and the Dimension of Indeterminacy in Linear Rational Expectations Models,
Decisions in Economics and Finance,
2020, Vol. 43, pp. 363-372 [link]
Di Pietro C.and M.M. Sorge,
Comparing Inequality and Mobility in Linear Models: Comment,
Economics Letters,
2018, 172: 56-58
Hespeler, F. and M.M. Sorge,
Solving Rational Expectations Models with Informational Subperiods: A Comment,
Forthcoming in: Computational Economics
Di Pietro C. and M.M. Sorge,
Stochastic Dominance and Thick-Tailed Wealth Distributions,
Journal of Economics ,
2018, 123(2): 141-159
Hespeler F. and M.M. Sorge,
Does Near-Rationality Matter in First-Order Approximate Solutions? A Perturbation Approach,
Bulletin of Economic Research,
2018, 70(1): E97-E113
Sorge M.M.,
Indeterminacy and Fundamental Reduced Form Representations of DSGE Models,
2018, 69(2), pp. 509-524
Fanelli L. and M.M. Sorge,
Indeterminate Forecast Accuracy under Indeterminacy,
Journal of Macroeconomics,
2017, 53, 57-70
Marco M. Sorge,
Lobbying (Strategically Appointed) Bureaucrats,
Constitutional Political Economy,
2015, 26(2): 171-189