Forthcoming Papers
Giacinta Cestone, Chiara Fumagalli, Francis Kramarz, and Giovanni Pica
Exploiting Growth Opportunities: The Role of Internal Labor Markets
Forthcoming in: The Review of Economic Studies
Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Orefice, Giovanni Pica and Anna Cecilia Rosso
TBTs, Firm Organization and Labour Structure
Forthcoming in: Review of International Economics
Daniela Di Cagno, Werner Guth, Marcello Puca, and Patrizia Sbriglia
Intention-based social influence in (non)strategic sharing experiments
Forthcoming in: Journal of the Economic Science Association [link]
Giuseppe Russo and Mariagrazia Cavallo
Lost in Translation. Reading Performance and Math Performance of Second-generation Immigrant Children in Italy
Forthcoming in: Journal of Human Capital
Tommaso Oliviero, Min Park and Hong Zhou
Liquidity Effects of Litigation Risk: Evidence from a Legal Shock
Forthcoming in: The Journal of Law and Economics
Chiara Conti , Anna D’Annunzio, and Pierfrancesco Reverberi
Data-Driven Health Innovation and Privacy Regulation
Forthcoming in: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy [link]
Vincenzo Atella, Edoardo Di Porto, Joanna Kopinska, and Maarten Lindeboom
Traumatic Experiences Adversely Affect Life Cycle Labor Market Outcomes of the Next Generation – Evidence from WWII Nazi Raids
Forthcoming in: Journal of the European Economic Association [link]
Paolo Acciari, Facundo Alvaredo, and Salvatore Morelli
The Concentration of Personal Wealth in Italy 1995–2016
Forthcoming in: Journal of European Economic Association [link]
Tullio Jappelli and Luigi Pistaferri
Permanent Income Shocks, Target Wealth, and the Wealth Gap
Forthcoming in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
Marco Pagano and Luca Picariello
Talent Discovery, Layoff Risk and Unemployment Insurance
Forthcoming in: European Economic Review
Daniele Massacci and George Kapetanios
Forecasting in Factor Augmented Regressions under Structural Change
Forthcoming in: International Journal of Forecasting [link]
Marco Bertoni and Roberto Nisticò
Ordinal Rank and the Structure of Ability Peer Effects
Forthcoming in: Journal of Public Economics
M. Beatrice Lignola and Jacqueline Morgan
Multi-Leader-Common-Follower Games with Pessimistic Leaders: Approximate and Viscosity Solutions
Forthcoming in: Minimax Theory and its Applications
Filomena Garcia and Ettore Panetti
Wealth Inequality, Systemic Financial Fragility and Government Intervention
Forthcoming in: Economic Theory [link]
Marcello D'Amato , Niall O'Higgins and Marco Stimolo
On Inequality, Growth and Trust: Some Evidence from The Lab
Forthcoming in: Journal of Institutional Economics, 2021, pp. 1-16 [link]
Antonio Acconcia, Marcello D'Amato, Riccardo Martina, e Marisa Ratto
The Response of Taxpayer Compliance to the Large Shock of Italian Unification
Forthcoming in: European Journal of Political Economy [link]
Giovanni Immordino, Annamaria Menichini, and Maria Grazia Romano
Education, Taxation and The Perceived Effects of Sin Good Gonsumption
Forthcoming in: International Tax and Public Finance
Anna Laura Baraldi, Giovanni Immordino, and Marco Stimolo
Self-Selecting Candidates or Compelling Voters: How Organized Crime Affects Political Selection
Forthcoming in: European Journal of Political Economy
Edoardo Di Porto, Paolo Naticchioni and Vincenzo Scrutinio
Partial Lockdown and the Spread of Covid-19: Lessons from the Italian Case
Forthcoming in: Journal of Health Economics
Marco Pagnozzi, Salvatore Piccolo, and Markus Reisinger
Vertical Contracting with Endogenous Market Structure
Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Theory