Journal articles
Cingano F., M. Leonardi, G. Pica and J. Messina
Employment Protection Legislation, Capital Investment and Access to Credit: Evidence from Italy
The Economic Journal, 2016, 126(595), pp. 1798–1822 [link]
Becchetti L., P. Conzo and L. Corrado
Sociability, Altruism and Well-Being
Cambridge Journal of Economics, first published online July 25, 2016 [link]
Di Porto E., G. Croce, E. Ghignoni, and A.Ricci
Agglomeration and workplace training: knowledge spillovers versus poaching
Regional Studies, 2017, vol. 51(11), pp. 1635-1651 [link]
Pagnozzi M., S. Piccolo and M. Bassi
Entry and Product Variety with Competing Supply Chains
Journal of Industrial Economics, 2016, vol. 64(3), pp. 520-556,
Maietta O.W., C. Barra, R. Zotti
Innovation and University-Firm R&D Collaboration in the European Food and Drink Industry
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2017, 68, 3, 1-32
Frino A., V. Mollica, M.G. Romano and Z. Zhou
Asymmetry in the Permanent Price Impact of Block Purchases and Sales: Theory and Empirical Evidence
Journal of Future Markets, 2017, Vol. 37, 359-373 [link]
Acconcia A. and C. Cantabene
Liquidity and Firms’ Response to Fiscal Stimulus
The Economic Journal , 2018, 128(613), pp. 1759-1785 [link]
Piccolo S., G.W. Puopolo and L. Vasconcelos
Non-Exclusive Financial Advice
Review of Finance, 2016, 20, 6, pp. 2079-2123.
Beraldo S. and R. Sugden
The Emergence of Reciprocally Beneficial Cooperation
Theory and Decision, 2016, 80(4), 501-521
Acharya V., M. Pagano and P. Volpin
Seeking Alpha: Excess Risk Taking and Competition for Managerial Talent
Review of Financial Studies, 2016, 29, No. 10 (Editor’s Choice), pp. 2565-2599
Maietta O.W. and M.T. Gorgitano
School Meals and Pupil Satisfaction. Evidence from Italian Primary Schools
Food Policy, 2016, 62, 41-55 [link]
Alvaredo F., A.B. Atkinson and S. Morelli
The Challenge of Measuring UK Wealth Inequality in the 2000s
Fiscal Studies, March 2016 [link]
Ellul A., T. Jappelli, F. Panunzi and M. Pagano
Transparency, Tax Pressure and Access to Finance
Review of Finance, 2016, 20(1), pp 37-76 [link]
Fabbri D. and A.M.C. Menichini
The Commitment Problem of Secured Lending
Journal of Financial Economics, 2016, 120 (3), pp. 561-584
Destefanis S. and G. Mastromatteo
The OECD Beveridge Curve: technological progress, globalisation and institutional factors
Eurasian Business Review, 2015, 5(1), pp. 151-172 [link]
Destefanis S. and O.W. Maietta
Property Rights and Efficiency in the Care Sector. Evidence from Italy
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 2015, 4(2), p. 98-115 [link]
Pagnozzi M. and K. J. Saral
Demand Reduction in Multi-Object Auctions with Resale: An Experimental Analysis
Economic Journal, 2017, vol. 127, pp. 2702-2729
Langfield S. and M. Pagano
Bank Bias in Europe: Effects on Systemic Risk and Growth
Economic Policy, 2016, 31(85), pp. 51-106
Magris F. and G. Russo
Fiscal Revenues and Commitment in Immigration Amnesties
European Journal of Political Economy, 2016, vol. 42, 75-90 [link]
Christelis D.
Wealth Taxation of Real Estate during the Greek Crisis: The Perils of Ignoring Market Signals
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung , 2015, 84(3):61-83