
Journal articles (2017)

Maria Gabriella Graziano, Claudia Meo and Nicholas C. Yannelis

Stable Sets for Exchange Economies with Interdependent Preferences

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2017, Vol.140, 267-286 [link]

Achille Basile, Maria Gabriella Graziano, Maria Papadaki and Ioannis A. Polyrakis

Cones with Semi-interior Points and Equilibrium

Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2017, Vol. 71, 36-48 [link]

Tullio Jappelli, Carmela Anna Nappi and Roberto Torrini

Gender Effects in Research Evaluation

Research Policy, 2017, Vol. 46(5), 911-924 [link]

De Paola M., M. Ponzo and V. Scoppa

Gender Differences in Attitudes Towards Competition: Evidence from the Italian Scientific Qualification

Oxford Economic Papers, 2017, 69(4), 986-1009

Altavilla C., D. Giannone, and M. Modugno

The Low Frequency Effects of Macroeconomic News on Government Bond Yields

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2017, December, vol. 92, pp. 31-46

Altavilla C. and D. Giannone

The Effectiveness of Nonstandard Monetary Policy Measures: Evidence from Survey Data

Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2017, 32 (5), pp. 952–964 [link]

Carlucci F., A. Cirà, G. Immordino, G. Ioppolo and T. Yigitcanlar

Regional Heterogeneity in Italy: Transport Devolution and Corruption

Land Use Policy, 2017, 66, pp. 28-33

Puopolo G.W.

Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs and Default Risk

Managerial Finance, 2017, 43, 2, pp. 231-241

Altavilla C, M. Pagano and S. Simonelli

Bank Exposures and Sovereign Stress Transmission

Review of Finance, 2017, October, Vol. 21, Issue 6, pp. 2103–2139

Fanelli L. and M.M. Sorge

Indeterminate Forecast Accuracy under Indeterminacy

Journal of Macroeconomics, 2017, 53, 57-70

Brunnermeier M.K., S. Langfield, M. Pagano, R. Reis, S. Van Nieuwerburgh and D. Vayanos

ESBies: Safety in the Tranches

Economic Policy, 2017, 32(90), pp. 175–219

Pagnozzi M. and S. Piccolo

Contracting with Endogenous Entry

International Journal of Industrial Organization , 2017, vol. 51, pp. 85-110

Jappelli T. and M. Padula

Consumption Growth, the Interest Rate and Financial Sophistication

Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2017, Vol. 16(3), 348-370 [link]

Ceparano M.C. and J. Morgan

Equilibrium Selection in Multi-leader-follower Games with Vertical Information

TOP, 2017, 25(3), pp. 526-543 [link]

Lignola M.B. and J. Morgan

Inner Regularizations and Viscosity Solutions for Pessimistic Bilevel Optimization Problems

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2017, 173(1), pp. 183-202 [link]

Maietta O.W., C. Barra, R. Zotti

Innovation and University-Firm R&D Collaboration in the European Food and Drink Industry

Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2017, 68, 3, 1-32

Frino A., V. Mollica, M.G. Romano and Z. Zhou

Asymmetry in the Permanent Price Impact of Block Purchases and Sales: Theory and Empirical Evidence

Journal of Future Markets, 2017, Vol. 37, 359-373 [link]

Acharya V., M. Pagano and P. Volpin

Seeking Alpha: Excess Risk Taking and Competition for Managerial Talent

Review of Financial Studies, 2016, 29, No. 10 (Editor’s Choice), pp. 2565-2599

Pagnozzi M. and K. J. Saral

Demand Reduction in Multi-Object Auctions with Resale: An Experimental Analysis

Economic Journal, 2017, vol. 127, pp. 2702-2729

Pesce M.

Are Asymmetrically Informed Agents Envious?

Metroeconomica, 2017, 68, p. 2-21