
Journal articles (2020)

Marcello D'Amato, Christian Di Pietro and Marco M. Sorge

Credit Allocation in Heterogeneous Banking Systems

German Economic Review, 2020, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 1-33 [link]

Guerriero, C., Wright, J.


Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Health Interventions - Elsevier - ISBN:9780128128855, 2020, pp 257-268 [link]

Guerriero, C., Papirio, S., Pirozzi, F., Ranzi, A., Rebolledo, L.E.L., Watson ,V.

Case Study: A Realistic Contaminated Site Remediation and Different Scenarios of Intervention

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Health Interventions - Elsevier - ISBN:9780128128855, 2020, pp 229-256 [link]

Guerriero, C., Pacelli, A.

Discouting Benefits and Costs

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Health Interventions - Elsevier - ISBN:9780128128855, 2020, pp 129-143 [link]

Carla Guerriero

Costing Environmental Health Intervention

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Health Interventions - Elsevier - ISBN:9780128128855, 2020, pp 111-127 [link]

Carla Guerriero

The Key Steps in Cost–Benefit Analysis of Environmental Health Interventions

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Health Interventions - Elsevier - ISBN:9780128128855, 2020, pp 1-19 [link]

Robert P.Gilles, Marialaura Pesce and Dimitrios Diamantaras

The Provision of Collective Goods through a Social Division of Labour

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization , 2020, Vol. 178, pp. 287-312 [link]

Acconcia A., M. Carannante, M. Misuraca and G. Scepi

Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty with Latent Transition Analysis

Social Indicators Research, 2020, 151(1), 1-31 [link]

Altavilla C., Canova F., and Ciccarelli M.

Mending The Broken Link: Heterogeneous Bank Lending and Monetary Policy Pass-through

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2020, Vol.110, pp 81-98. [link]

Maria Gabriella Graziano, Marialaura Pesce and Niccolò Urbinati

Generalized coalitions and bargaining sets

Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020, Vol. 91, 80-89 [link]

Maria Gabriella Graziano, Claudia Meo, and Nicholas C. Yannelis

Shapley and Scarf housing markets with consumption externalities

Journal of Public Economic Theory , 2020, Vol. 22(5), 1481-1514 [link]

C. Di Pietro, M.G. Graziano and V. Platino

Social loss with respect to the core of an economy with externalities

Economic Theory, 2020 [link]

Dominik Menno and Tommaso Oliviero

Financial Intermediation, House Prices and the Welfare Effects of the U.S. Great Recession

European Economic Review , 2020, Vol. 129, 103568 [link]

Immordino G., S. Piccolo, and P. Roberti

Optimal Leniency and the Organization Design of Group Crime

Journal of Public Economics , 2020, Vol. 191 [link]

Giovanni Immordino, Anna Maria C. Menichini and Maria Grazia Romano

Taxing and Regulating Vices

Scandinavian Journal of Economics , 2020, Vol. 122 (2), 622-647 [link]

Dimitris Christelis, Dimitris Georgarakos, Tullio Jappelli and Marteen van Roij

Trust in the Central Bank and Inflation Expectations

International Journal of Central Banking, 2020, Vol. 16(1), 1-38 [link]

Huang Y., M. Pagano, and U. Panizza

Local Crowding Out in China

Journal of Finance, 2020, Vol. 75, Issue 6, 2855-2898

Marco Pagano

Risk Sharing within the Firm: A Primer

Foundations and Trends in Finance, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 2, 117-198

Elena Carletti, Tommaso Oliviero, Marco Pagano, Loriana Pelizzon and Marti Subrahmanyam

The COVID-19 Shock and Equity Shortfall: Firm-level Evidence from Italy

Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 2020, Vol. 9, No. 3, 534-568

Carla Guerriero, Andrew Haines and Marco Pagano

Health and Sustainability in Post-Pandemic Economic Policies

Nature Sustainability, 2020, Vol. 3, 494-496