Journal articles
Pesce M.
Are Asymmetrically Informed Agents Envious?
Metroeconomica, 2017, 68, p. 2-21
Immordino G. and S. Piccolo
Organized Crime, Insider Information and Optimal Leniency
Economic Journal, 2017, 127, pp. 2504–2524
Di Porto E., A. Parenti and S. Paty
Local Government Cooperation at Work: A Control Function Approach
Journal of Economic Geography, 2016, vol 17(2), pp. 435–463 [link]
Di Porto E., L. Elia and C. Tealdi
Informal Work in a Flexible Labour Market
Oxford Economic Papers, 2016, vol. 69(1), pp. 143-164 [link]
Brunnermeier M., L. Garicano , P.R. Lane, M. Pagano, R. Reis, T. Santos, D. Thesmar, S. Van Nieuwerburgh, and D. Vayanos
The Sovereign-Bank Diabolic Loop and ESBies
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2016, 106(5), May, pp. 508-512 [link]
Pagnozzi M. and A. Rosato
Entry by Takeover: Auctions vs. Bilateral Negotiations
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2016, vol. 44, pp. 68-84
Ponzo M. and V. Scoppa
Experts’ Awards and Economic Success: Evidence from an Italian Literary Prize
Journal of Cultural Economics, 2015, November, 39(4)
Jappelli T. and M. Padula
Investment in Financial Literacy, Social Security and Portfolio Choice
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2015, October, vol. 14, 366-408 [link]
Lignola M.B. and J. Morgan
A Method to Bypass the Lack of Solutions in MinSup Problems under Quasi-equilibrium Constraints
Journal Optimization Letters, 2016, 10(4), 833-846 [link]
S. Piccolo, E. Tarantino and G. Ursino
The Value of Transparency in Multidivisional Firms
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2015, 41, July, pp. 9–18 [link]
Dumas B, F. Delgado and G.W. Puopolo
Hysteresis Bands on Returns, Holding Period and Transaction Costs
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2015, 57, pp. 86-100
Miriello C. and M. Polo
The Development of Gas Hubs in Europe
Energy Policy, 2015, 84: 177-190
Becchetti L., S. Castriota, P. Conzo
Social Capital Dynamics and Collective Action: the Role of Subjective Satisfaction in a Common Pool Resource Experiment
Environment and Development Economics, 2016, 21(4), pp. 12-531 [link]
Immordino G., A.C. Menichini and M.G. Romano
Contracts with Wishful Thinkers
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2015, 24(4)
Zazzaro A., A.F. Presbitero and L. Papi
IMF Lending and Banking Crises
IMF Economic Review, 2015, November, 63(3).
Piccolo S., P. Tedeschi and G. Ursino
How Limiting Deceptive Practices Harms Consumers
RAND Journal of Economics, 2015, 46(3), pp. 611–624 [link]
Immordino G. and F.F. Russo
Laws and Stigma: the Case of Prostitution
European Journal of Law and Economics, 2015, 40(2), pp. 209-223
Ponzo M. and V. Scoppa
Trading Height for Education in the Marriage Market
American Journal of Human Biology, 2015, 27(2)
De Arcangelis G., E. Di Porto and G. Santoni
Migration, Labor Tasks and Production Structure
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2015, 53, July, pp 156-169 [link]
Beraldo S.
On the Economic Relevance of the Principle of Gratuitousness
International Journal of Happiness and Development, 2015, 17(3), 309-312 [link]