Journal articles
Beraldo S.
Equipping Non-Utilitarian Automata with Unnatural Morality. A Review of Joshua Greene's Moral Tribe
Journal of Bioeconomics, Springer, 2015, 17 (3)
Basile A., M.G. Graziano, M. Pesce
Oligopoly and Cost Sharing in Economies with Public Goods
International Economic Review, 2016, 57, p. 487-505
Graziano M.G., M. Romaniello
Stable Sets of Allocations and the Provision of Public Goods
Economic Theory, 2015 [link]
Bhowmik A., M.G. Graziano
On Vind’s Theorem for an Economy with Atoms and Infinitely Many Commodities
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2015, 56, 26-36
Graziano M.G., C. Meo, N.C. Yannelis
Stable Sets for Asymmetric Information Economies
International Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, 11, 137-154
Cerasi V. and T. Oliviero
CEO Compensation, Regulation and Risk in Banks: Theory and Evidence from the Financial Crisis
International Journal of Central Banking, 2015, 11(3), 241-297
Christelis D., D. Georgarakos and T. Jappelli
Wealth Shocks, Unemployment Shocks and Consumption in the Wake of the Great Recession
Journal of Monetary Economics, 2015, 72, May, pp. 21–41 [link]
Maietta O.W.
Determinants of University-firm R&D Collaboration and its Impact on Innovation: A Perspective from a Low-tech Industry
Research Policy, 2015, 44, 7, 1341–1359
Lignola M. B. and J. Morgan
Asymptotic Behavior of Semi-quasivariational Optimistic Bilevel Problems in Banach Spaces
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2015, 424(1), 1-20
Bennardo A., M. Pagano and S. Piccolo
Multiple-Bank Lending, Creditor Rights and Information Sharing
Review of Finance , 2015, 19(2), pp. 519–5702
Morelli S. and A.B. Atkinson
Inequality and Crises Revisited
Economia Politica - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, February 2015 [link]
Jappelli T. and M. Padula
The Consumption and Wealth Effects of an Unanticipated Change in Lifetime Resources
Management Science, 2016, May, 62(5), 1458–1471 [link]
Becchetti L., P. Conzo, G. Degli Antoni
Public Disclosure of Players' Conduct and Common Resources Harvesting: Experimental Evidence from a Nairobi Slum
Social Choice and Welfare , 2015, 45(1), 71-96 [link]
Immordino G. and F.F. Russo
Regulating Prostitution: an Health Risk Approach
Journal of Public Economics, 2015, vol. 121, pp. 14-31
D’Aurizio L., T. Oliviero, L. Romano
Family Firms, Soft Information and Bank Lending in a Financial Crisis
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2015, vol.33, no.3, pp. 279-329
Bertocchi G., A. Gambardella, T. Jappelli, C.A. Nappi, F. Peracchi
Bibliometric Evaluation vs. Informed Peer Review: Evidence from Italy
Research Policy, 2015, vol. 44, March, 451-466 [link]
Marco M. Sorge
Lobbying (Strategically Appointed) Bureaucrats
Constitutional Political Economy, 2015, 26(2): 171-189
Bassi M., M. Pagnozzi and S. Piccolo
Product Differentiation by Competing Vertical Hierarchies
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2015, vol. 24(4), pp. 904-933