
Journal articles (2018)

Ellul, A., M. Pagano and F. Schivardi

Employment and Wage Insurance within Firms: Worldwide Evidence

The Review of Financial Studies, 2018, 31(4), , pp. 1298–1340 [link]

Sorge M.M.

Indeterminacy and Fundamental Reduced Form Representations of DSGE Models

Metroeconomica, 2018, 69(2), pp. 509-524

Carlo Altavilla, Miguel Boucinha, and José-Luis Peydró

Monetary Policy and Bank Profitability in a Low Interest Rate Environment

Economic Policy, 2018, Vol. 33, Issue 96, pp 531–586. [link]

Published in Economic Policy, Vol. 33, Issue 96, pp 531–586.

(#486) | REPEC link

Acconcia A. and C. Cantabene

Liquidity and Firms’ Response to Fiscal Stimulus

The Economic Journal , 2018, 128(613), pp. 1759-1785 [link]