Working Papers (2003)
Antonio Acconcia Marcello D'Amato Riccardo Martina
Corruption and Tax Evasion with Competitive Bribes
(#112) | REPEC link
Natalia Utrero Gonzalez
Banking Regulation, Institutional Framework and Capital Structure: International Evidence from Industry Data
Published in The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2007, Vol. 47, 4, pp. 481–506
(#111) | REPEC link
Luigi Guiso, Tullio Jappelli
Awareness and Stock Market Participation
Published in {Review of Finance}, December 2005, vol. 9, 4, pp. 537-567
(#110) | REPEC link
Anna Maria Menichini
Separation of functions, Collusion and Supervisors Financial Participation
(#109) | REPEC link
Marco Pagnozzi
Sorry Winners
Published in {Review of Industrial Organization}, 2007, 30(3), pp. 203-225
(#108) | REPEC link
David Martimort Salvatore Piccolo
Resale Price Maintenance under Asymmetric Information
Published in {International Journal of Industrial Organization}, 2007, vol. 25, pp. 315-339
(#107) | REPEC link
Raquel Fonseca
On the Interaction between Unemployment and Inter-regional Mobility
(#105) | REPEC link
Thomas Steinberger
Financial Contracting and Macroeconomic Stability
Published in {Journal of Financial Stability}, 2005, vol. 1, pp. 451-465
(#104) | REPEC link
Stefan Ambec Nicolas Treich
Roscas as Financial Agreements to Cope with Social Pressure
Published in {Journal of Development Economics } 2007, vol. 82, pages 120-137
(#103) | REPEC link
Giovanni Immordino
Fairness, NGO Activism and the Welfare of Less Developed Countries
Published as “Fairness, Consumer Consciousness and the Welfare of Less Developed Countries” in {Global Economy Journal}, 8 (1) (2008), Article 7.
(#101) | REPEC link
Charles Grant, Christos Koulovatianos, Alexander Michaelides Mario Padula
Redistributive Policies through Taxation: Theory and Evidence
(#100) | REPEC link
Andrew Ellul Marco Pagano
IPO underpricing and after-market liquidity
Published in {Review of Financial Studies}, 2006, vol. 19, pp. 381-421
(#99) | REPEC link
Giovanni Immordino Marco Pagano
Legal Standards, Enforcement and Corruption
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, 2010, Vol. 8, 5, pp. 1104–1132.
(#98) | REPEC link
Giovanni Cespa
Giffen Goods and Market Making
Published in {Economic Theory}, 2005, vol. 25, pp. 983-99.
(#97) | REPEC link
Keith Blackburn, Niloy Bose Salvatore Capasso
Financial Development, Financing Choice and Economic Growth
Published in {Review of Development Economics}, 2005, vol. 9, pp. 135-149
(#96) | REPEC link
Sergio Destefanis
Measuring macroeconomic performance through a non-parametric Taylor curve
(#95) | REPEC link
Giovanni Cespa
A Comparison of Stock Market Mechanism
Published in {RAND Journal of Economics}, 2004, vol. 35, pp. 803-824.
(#94) | REPEC link
Giacinta Cestone Chiara Fumagalli
Winner-Picking or Cross-Subsidization? The Strategic Impact of Resource Flexibility in Business Groups
Published in {RAND Journal of Economics}, 2005, vol. 36, pp. 193-214
(#93) | REPEC link