Working Papers (2010)
Francesco Drago and Roberto Galbiati
Indirect Effects of a Policy Altering Criminal Behaviour: Evidence from the Italian Prison Experiment
Published in {American Economic Journal: Applied Economics}, 2012, 4(2), 199-218
(#270) | REPEC link
Giuseppe De Marco Jacqueline Morgan
Altruistic Behavior and Correlated Equilibrium Selection
Published in {International Game Theory Review}, 2011, Vol. 13, 363-381.
(#269) | REPEC link
M.Beatrice Lignola and Jacqueline Morgan
Approximations of Quasi-Variational Problems Including Social Nash Equilibria in Abstract Economies
Published with the title "Stability in Regularized Quasi-variational Setting" in Journal of Convex Analysis, 2012, 19(4), 1091-1107
(#268) | REPEC link
Matteo Bassi
Mirrlees meets Laibson: Optimal Income Taxation with Bounded Rationality
(#266) | REPEC link
Marco Leonardi Giovanni Pica
Who Pays for it? The Heterogeneous Wage Effects of Employment Protection Legislation
(#265) | REPEC link
Sergio Destefanis and Giuseppe Mastromatteo
More Jobs? A Panel Analysis of the Lisbon Strategy
Published in {[Economics Letters}, 2012, 115, (2), 148-151->]
(#264) | REPEC link
Giovanni Immordino Annamaria C. Menichini Maria Grazia Romano
A Simple Impossibility Result in Behavioral Contract Theory
Published in {Economic Letters}, 2011, 113, 307-309
(#262) | REPEC link
Achille Basile Maria Gabriella Graziano Marialaura Pesce
Mixed Markets with Public Goods
(#261) | REPEC link
Rebeca Jiménez-Rodríguez Giuseppe Russo
Aggregate Employment Dynamics and (Partial) Labour Market Reforms
Published in {Bulletin of Economic Research}, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8586.2011.00396.x, available at
(#260) | REPEC link
Erich Battistin and Mario Padula
Survey Instruments and the Reports of Consumption Expenditures: Evidence from the Consumer Expenditure Surveys
Revise and resubmit to {Journal of Royal Statistical Society } - Series A
(#259) | REPEC link
Giovanni Immordino, Annamaria C. Menichini and Maria Grazia Romano
Contracts with Wishful Thinkers
A previous version has been circulated under the title “Optimal Compensation Contracts for Optimistic Managers. Forthcoming in {Journal of Economics & Management Strategy} Forthcoming in Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.
(#258) | REPEC link
Giuseppe De Marco and Giovanni Immordino
Partnership, Reciprocity and Team Design
Published in {Research in Economics}, Vol. 67, 1, March 2013, pp. 39–58
(#257) | REPEC link
Luca Anderlini Leonardo Felli Giovanni Immordino Alessandro Riboni
Legal Institutions, Innovation and Growth
Published in {International Economic Review}, 2013, 54, pp. 937-956
(#256) | REPEC link
Chiara Fumagali Massimo Motta
A Simple Theory of Predation
Published with the title 'A Simple Theory of Predation', in {The Journal of Law and Economics}, 2013, 56, pp. 595-631.
(#255) | REPEC link
Francesco Flaviano Russo
Tax Evasion and Community Effects in Italy
Published with the title "Tax Morale and Tax Evasion Reports.” in {Economics Letters}, 2013, 121(1), 110-114
(#254) | REPEC link
Francesco Flaviano Russo
Cocaine: The Complementarity Between Legal and Illegal Trade
Published in The World Economy, 2014, 37(9), pp. 1290-1314
(#253) | REPEC link
Alex Frino Maria Grazia Romano
Transaction Costs and the Asymmetric Price Impact of Block Trades
(#252) | REPEC link
Marco Pagnozzi Salvatore Piccolo
Vertical Separation with Private Contracts
Published in {Economic Journal}, 2012, Vol. 122, 173-207.
(#251) | REPEC link