
M. Beatrice Lignola, Jaqueline Morgan

Asymptotic Behavior of Regularized Optimization Problems with Quasi-variational Inequality Constraints

Published with the title "Asymptotic Behavior of Semi-quasivariational Optimistic Bilevel Problems in Banach Spaces" in {Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications}, 2015, 424 1, 1-20

(#350) | REPEC link

Fausto Galli, Giuseppe Russo 

Immigration Restriction and Long-Run Cultural Assimilation: Theory and Quasi-Experimental Evidence

Published in Journal of Population Economics, 2019, vol. 32:1, 23-51

(#349) | REPEC link

Giovanni Ursino, Salvatore Piccolo, Piero Tedeschi

Deceptive Advertising with Rational Buyers

Forthcoming in {Management Science}

(#348) | REPEC link

Salvatore Piccolo, Giovanni W. Puopolo, Luis Vasconcelos

Non-Exclusive Financial Advice

Published in {Review of Finance}, 20, 6, pp. 2079-2123.

(#347) | REPEC link

Cristian Barra, Sergio Destefanis, Giuseppe Lubrano Lavadera

Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Highly Disaggregated Italian Data

Published in {[Applied Financial Economics->]}, 2014, 24(24), 1605-1615.

(#346) | REPEC link

Niccolò Battistini, Marco Pagano, Saverio Simonelli

Systemic Risk, Sovereign Yields and Bank Exposures in the Euro Crisis

Published in {Economic Policy}, 2014, 29(78), 203–251

(#345) | REPEC link

Graziella Bertocchi, Alfonso Gambardella, Tullio Jappelli, Carmela A. Nappi, Franco Peracchi

Bibliometric Evaluation vs. Informed Peer Review: Evidence from Italy

Published in {Research Policy}, 2015, vol. 44, March, 451-466.

(#344) | REPEC link

Matteo Bassi, Marco Pagnozzi, Salvatore Piccolo

Entry and Product Variety with Competing Supply Chains

Published in Journal of Industrial Economics, 2016, vol. 64, pp. 520-556,

(#343) | REPEC link

Matteo Bassi, Marco Pagnozzi, Salvatore Piccolo

Optimal Contracting with Altruism and Reciprocity

Published in Research in Economics, 2014, vol. 68, pp. 27-38

(#342) | REPEC link

Luigi Balletta, Giovanni Immordino

On Repeated Moral Hazard with a Present Biased Agent

(#341) | REPEC link

Frank Hespeler, Marco M. Sorge

Does Near-Rationality Matter in First-Order Approximate Solutions? A Perturbation Approach

Published in Bulletin of Economic Research, 2018, 70(1): E97-E113

(#339) | REPEC link

Cristian Barra, Sergio Destefanis, Giuseppe Lubrano Lavadera

Regulation and the Crisis: The Efficiency of Italian Cooperative Banks

Published in {[Finance Research Letters->]}

(#338) | REPEC link

Federico Cingano, Marco Leonardi, Julian Messina, Giovanni Pica

Employment Protection Legislation, Capital Investment and Access to Credit: Evidence from Italy

Published in {The Economic Journal}, 2016, 126(595), pp. 1798–1822

(#337) | REPEC link

Giuseppe De Marco, Maria Romaniello

Games Equilibria and the Variational Representation of Preferences

Published in [Applied Mathematical Sciences->], Vol. 7, 2013, no. 96, 4789-4800

(#336) | REPEC link

Michela Ponzo, Vincenzo Scoppa

Experts’ Awards and Economic Success: Evidence from an Italian Literary Prize

Published in {Journal of Cultural Economics}, 2015, November, 39(4)

(#335) | REPEC link

Maria Gabriella Graziano, Claudia Meo, Nicholas C. Yannelis

Stable Sets for Asymmetric Information Economies

Published in International Journal of Economic Theory, 11 (2015), 137-154;

(#333) | REPEC link

Giuseppe De Marco, Maria Romaniello

On the Stability of Equilibria in Incomplete Information Games under Ambiguity

Published in [Applied Mathematical Sciences->], Vol. 7, 2013, no. 96, 4789-4800

(#332) | REPEC link

Marialaura Pesce

The Veto Mechanism in Atomic Differential Information Economies

Published in {Journal of Mathematical Economics}, 2014, vol. 53, pp. 33–45

(#331) | REPEC link