Working Papers (2014)
Anuj Bhowmik and Maria Gabriella Graziano
On Vind's Theorem for an Economy with Atoms and Infinitely Many Commodities
(#364) | REPEC link
Giuseppe De Marco, Maria Romaniello
Variational Preferences and Equilibria in Games under Ambiguous Beliefs Correspondences
Published in {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning}, 2015, 60, 8-22
(#363) | REPEC link
Roberto Nisticò
The Effect of PhD Funding on Post-degree Research Career and Publication Productivity
Published in {Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics}, 2018, Vol. 80(5), 931-950. A former version of this paper was circulated under the title "Funding and Research Outcomes in PhD Programs".
(#362) | REPEC link
Sergei Kovbasyuk and Marco Pagano
Advertising Arbitrage
Accepted for publication in the Review of Finance
(#360) | REPEC link
Salvatore Morelli
Banking Crises in the US: the Response of Top Income Shares in a Historical Perspective
Published in [Journal of Economic Inequality ->] (First Online: 02 June 2018)
(#359) | REPEC link
Leandro D’Aurizio, Tommaso Oliviero, Livio Romano
Family Firms, Soft Information and Bank Lending in a Financial Crisis
Published in Journal of Corporate Finance, 2015, vol.33, no.3, pp. 279-29
(#357) | REPEC link
Salvatore Morelli, Timothy Smeeding, Jeffrey Thompson
Post-1970 Trends in Within-Country Inequality and Poverty: Rich and Middle Income Countries
Published in A. Atkinson and F. Bourguignon (eds), Handbook of Income Distribution, Elsevier B.V., 2015, Volume 2A, pp. 596-693.
(#356) | REPEC link
Pierluigi Conzo
Trust and Cheating in Sri Lanka: The Role of Experimentally-Induced Emotions about Tsunam
(#355) | REPEC link
Tullio Jappelli and Mario Padula
The Consumption and Wealth Effects of an Unanticipated Change in Lifetime Resources
Published in Management Science, May 2016, vol. 62, 1458–1471
(#354) | REPEC link
Marco Pagnozzi, Antonio Rosato
Entry by Takeover: Auctions vs. Negotiations
Published in {International Journal of Industrial Organization}, 2016, vol. 44, pp. 68-84
(#353) | REPEC link
Carlo Altavilla, Domenico Giannone and Michele Lenza
The Financial and Macroeconomic Effects of the OMT Announcements
(#352) | REPEC link
Giovanni Immordino, Francesco Flaviano Russo
Taxing Cash to Fight Collaborative Tax Evasion?
Published in Fiscal Studies, 2018, 39, 343-364, with the title "Tax Evasion and the Tax on Cash"
(#351) | REPEC link