Working Papers (2015)
Alessandro Beber, Daniela Fabbri, Marco Pagano and Saverio Simonelli
Short-Selling Bans and Bank Stability
Forthcoming in Review of Corporate Finance Studies.
(#423) | REPEC link
Salvatore Capasso, Stefano Monferrà and Gabriele Sampagnaro
The Shadow Economy and Banks’ Lending Technology
(#422) | REPEC link
Dimitris Christelis, Dimitris Georgarakos, Tullio Jappelli and Maarten van Rooij
Consumption Uncertainty and Precautionary Saving
Published in {The Review of Economics and Statistics}, 2020, Vol. 102(1), 148-161
(#421) | REPEC link
Jakub Kastl, Marco Pagnozzi and Salvatore Piccolo
Selling Information to Competitive Firms
Published in {RAND Journal of Economic}, 2018, vol. 49(1), pp. 254-282
(#420) | REPEC link
Francesco Drago, Friederike Mengel and Christian Traxler
Compliance Behavior in Networks: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Forthcoming in {American Economic Journal: Applied Economics}
(#419) | REPEC link
Tullio Jappelli, Carmela Anna Nappi and Roberto Torrini
Research Quality and Gender Gap in Research Assessment
Published in Research Policy, June 2017, vol. 46, 911-924, with the title "Gender Effects in Research Evaluation"
(#418) | REPEC link
Maria Carmela Ceparano and Jacqueline Morgan
Equilibria Under Passive Beliefs for Multi-leader-follower Games with Vertical Information: Existence Results
Published in TOP with the title "Equilibria Selection for Multi-leader-follower Games with Vertical Information",
(#417) | REPEC link
Marco Pagnozzi and Krista J. Saral
Demand Reduction in Multi-Object Auctions with Resale: An Experimental Analysis
Published in {The Economic Journal}, 2017, vol. 127, pp. 2702-2729
(#416) | REPEC link
Biagia De Devitiis and Ornella Wanda Maietta
Shadow Prices of Human Capital in Agriculture. Evidence from European FADN Regions
(#415) | REPEC link
Giovanni W. Puopolo
Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs and Default Risk
Published in {Managerial Finance}, 43, 2, pp. 231-241
(#414) | REPEC link
V. Chiorazzo, V. D’Apice, P. Morelli and Giovanni W. Puopolo
Economic Activity and Credit Market Linkages: New Evidence from Italy
Forthcoming in {Economic Notes}
(#413) | REPEC link
Giovanni Immordino, Anna Maria C. Menichini and Maria Grazia Romano
Inefficient Taxation of Sin Goods
(#412) | REPEC link
Facundo Alvaredo, Anthony B. Atkinson and Salvatore Morelli
The Challenge of Measuring UK Wealth Inequality in the 2000s
Published in {Fiscal Studies } - [DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-5890.2016.12084->]
(#411) | REPEC link
Carlo Altavilla, Marco Pagano and Saverio Simonelli
Bank Exposures and Sovereign Stress Transmission
Published in {Review of Finance}, October, Vol. 21, Issue 6, pp. 2103–2139
(#410) | REPEC link
Moritz Bosbach, Ornella Wanda Maietta and Hannah Marquardt
Domestic Food Purchase Bias: A Cross-Country Case Study of Germany, Italy and Serbia
(#409) | REPEC link
Sam Langfield and Marco Pagano
Bank Bias in Europe: Effects on Systemic Risk and Growth
Published in {Economic Policy}, 2016, 31(85), pp. 51-106
(#408) | REPEC link
Pierluigi Conzo, Giulia Fuochi and Letizia Mencarini
Fertility and Life Satisfaction in Rural Ethiopia
(#407) | REPEC link
Leonardo Becchetti, Pierluigi Conzo and Francesco Salustri
The (W)health of Nations: the Impact of Health Expenditure on the Number of Chronic Diseases
(#406) | REPEC link
Maria Teresa Gorgitano and Ornella Wanda Maietta
School Meals and Children Satisfaction. Evidence from Italian Primary Schools
(#405) | REPEC link
Annalisa Scognamiglio
When the Mafia Comes to Town
Forthcoming at [European Journal of Political Economy->DOI 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2018.05.005],
(#404) | REPEC link