
Carlo Altavilla, Miguel Boucinha, and José-Luis Peydró

Monetary Policy and Bank Profitability in a Low Interest Rate Environment

Economic Policy, 2018, Vol. 33, Issue 96, pp 531–586. [link]

Published in Economic Policy, Vol. 33, Issue 96, pp 531–586.

(#486) | REPEC link

Andrew Ellul, Marco Pagano, and Annalisa Scognamiglio

Career Risk and Market Discipline in Asset Management

Published in Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 33, Issue 2, 783-828, 2020

(#489) | REPEC link

Andrea Bellucci, Luca Pennacchio and Alberto Zazzaro

Public R&D Subsidies: Collaborative versus Individual Place-Based Programs for SMEs

(#488) | REPEC link

Lorenzo Pandolfi and Tomas Williams

Capital Flows and Sovereign Debt Markets: Evidence from Index Rebalancings

Published on {Journal of Financial Economics}, 2019, 132(2), 384-403

(#487) | REPEC link

Decio Coviello, Immacolata Marino, Tommaso Nannicini and Nicola Persico

Direct Propagation of a Fiscal Shock: Evidence from Italy's Stability Pact

(#484) | REPEC link

Gülen Karakoç, Marco Pagnozzi and Salvatore Piccolo

The Value of Transparency in Dynamic Contracting with Entry

(#482) | REPEC link

Kati Kraehnert , Tilman Brück , Michele Di Maio and Roberto Nisticò

The Effects of Conflict on Fertility: Evidence from the Genocide in Rwanda

Published in Demography, 2019, 56 (3), 935-968.

(#481) | REPEC link

Rosario Crino, Giovanni Immordino and Salvatore Piccolo

Marginal Deterrence at Work

Published in {Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization}, 2019, 166, 586-612

(#478) | REPEC link

Paolo Buccirossi, Giovanni Immordino, and Giancarlo Spagnolo

Whistleblower Rewards, False Reports, and Corporate Fraud

(#477) | REPEC link

Francesco Caruso, Maria Carmela Ceparano and Jacqueline Morgan

Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium: A Learning Approach Via Costs to Move

Accepted for publication in {Dynamic Games and Applications } This paper was previously circulated with the title “Proximal Approach in Selection of Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria”

(#476) | REPEC link

Marco Pagnozzi and Krista J. Saral

Entry by Successful Speculators in Auctions with Resale

Published in {Experimental Economics}, June 2019, Volume 22, pp. 477–505

(#475) | REPEC link

Federico Belotti, Edoardo Di Porto and Gianluca Santoni

Spatial Differencing: Estimation and Inference

(#474) | REPEC link

Giuseppe Russo and Francesco Salsano

Electoral Systems and Immigration

Published in European Journal of Political Economy, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 101807, pp 62-84

(#473) | REPEC link

Andrew Ellul and Marco Pagano

Corporate Leverage and Employees’ Rights in Bankruptcy

Published in Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 133, Issue 3, 685-707, 2019

(#472) | REPEC link

Francesco Caruso, Maria Carmela Ceparano and Jacqueline Morgan

Uniqueness of Nash Equilibrium in Continuous Weighted Potential Games

Published in {Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications}, 2018, 459(2), pp. 1208-1221, DOI: [>]

(#471) | REPEC link

Giovanni Immordino, Gülen Karakoç-Palminteri and Salvatore Piccolo

Terrorism, Counterterrorism and Optimal Striking Rules

Published in {Revue Economique } (2018, 69, 949-972), with the title "The Economics of Counterinsurgency: An Asymmetric Information Approach"

(#470) | REPEC link