Working Papers
Alessia Lo Turco, Daniela Maggioni and Alberto Zazzaro
Financial Dependence and Growth: the Role of Input-Output Linkages
(#516) | REPEC link
Michele Bisceglia, Salvatore Piccolo and Emanuele Tarantino
M&A Advisory and the Merger Review Process
(#515) | REPEC link
Marco M. Sorge
Computing Sunspot Solutions to Rational Expectations Models with Timing Restrictions
Published in The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2020, 20(2): 20180256
(#514) | REPEC link
Brunella Bruno and Immacolata Marino
How Do Banks Respond to Non-Performing Loans?
A previous version has been circulated under the title “How Banks Respond to NPLs? Evidence from the Euro Area".
(#513) | REPEC link
Giovanni Ponti and Claudio Rossetti
Unobserved Heterogeneity in Structural Behavioral Models Using Experimental Data
(#512) | REPEC link
Francesco Flaviano Russo
Immigration and Nationalism: The Importance of Identity
Forthcoming in European Economic Review
(#511) | REPEC link
Anuj Bhowmik and Maria Gabriella Graziano
Blocking Coalitions and Fairness in Asset Markets and Asymmetric Information Economies
The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2019, vol. 20(1), pages 1-29
(#510) | REPEC link
Marco Pagnozzi, Salvatore Piccolo and Markus Reisinger
Vertical Contracting with Endogenous Market Structure
(#509) | REPEC link
Guerriero C., Abrines Jaume N., Diaz-Ordaz K., Brown K., Wray J. Ashworth J., Abbiss M., Cairns J.
Using Animation to Self-report Health: a Randomized Experiment with Children
Published in {[Patient->]} (2019)
(#508) | REPEC link
Marco G. Nieddu and Lorenzo Pandolfi
The Effectiveness of Promotion Incentives for Public Employees: Evidence from Italian Academia
Forthcoming in Economic Policy, 2022
(#507) | REPEC link
Marco Bertoni and Roberto Nisticò
Rank Concerns, Peer Effects, and Ability Tracking in University. Evidence from a Randomized Experiment
(#506) | REPEC link
Tullio Jappelli and Luigi Pistaferri
Reported MPC and Unobserved Heterogeneity
Published in American Economic Journal - Economic Policy, 2020, Vol. 12(4), 275-97
(#505) | REPEC link
Giovanni Immordino, Salvatore Piccolo and Paolo Roberti
Optimal Leniency and the Organization Design of Group Delinquency
Published in Journal of Public Economics, 2020, Vol. 191
(#503) | REPEC link
Francesco Caruso, Maria Carmela Ceparano and Jacqueline Morgan
An Adjustment Process-based Algorithm with Error Bounds for Approximating a Nash Equilibrium
(#502) | REPEC link
Luigi Guiso and Tullio Jappelli
Investment in Financial Information and Portfolio Performance
Published in Economica, Vol. 87(348), 1133-1170
(#501) | REPEC link
Maria Gabriella Graziano, Claudia Meo and Nicholas C. Yannelis
Housing Market Models with Consumption Externalities
(#500) | REPEC link
Lorenzo Pandolfi
Bail-in vs. Bailout: a False Dilemma?
Published in Management Science with title "Bail-in and Bailout: Friends or Foes?", 2022, Vol. 68, Issue 2, pp. 1450-1468
(#499) | REPEC link
Chiara Donnini and Marialaura Pesce
Strict Fairness of Equilibria in Mixed and Asymmetric Information Economies
Published in Economic Theory, 2020, Vol. 69, pp. 107–124
(#498) | REPEC link
Marco Nieddu and Lorenzo Pandolfi
Cutting Through the Fog: Financial Literacy and the Subjective Value of Financial Assets
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association with the title "Cutting Through the Fog: Financial Literacy and Financial Investment Choices", 2021, Vol. 19(1), pp. 237-274
(#497) | REPEC link