
Edoardo Di Porto and Henry Ohlsson

Avoiding Taxes by Transfers Within the Family

Accepted for publication in {International Tax and Public Finance}

(#436) | REPEC link

Maria Beatrice Lignola and Jacqueline Morgan

Inner Regularizations and Viscosity Solutions for Pessimistic Bilevel Optimization Problems

Published in {Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications}, 2017, 173(1), pp. 183-202

(#435) | REPEC link

Giovanni Immordino, Anna Maria C. Menichini, Maria Grazia Romano

Taxing and Regulating Vices

Published in {Scandinavian Journal of Economics}, 2020, Vol. 122 (2), 622-647

(#434) | REPEC link

Alberto Alesina, Salvatore Piccolo and Paolo Pinotti

Organized Crime, Violence, and Politics

Forthcoming in {Review of Economic Studies}

(#433) | REPEC link

Marco Pagnozzi and Krista J. Saral

Efficiency in Auctions with (Failed) Resale

Forthcoming in {Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization}

(#432) | REPEC link

Federico Belotti, Edoardo Di Porto and Gianluca Santoni

The Effect of Local Taxes on Firm Performance: Evidence from Geo-referenced Data

(#430) | REPEC link

M.K. Brunnermeier, L. Garicano, P.R. Lane, Marco Pagano, R. Reis, T. Santos, D. Thesmar, S. Van Nieuwerburgh and D.Vayanos

The Sovereign-Bank Diabolic Loop and ESBies

Published in American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 106 No. 5, May 2016, pp. 508-512

(#427) | REPEC link

Marco Pagnozzi and Salvatore Piccolo

Contracting with Endogenous Entry

Published in {International Journal of Industrial Organization}, 2017, vol. 51, pp. 85-110

(#426) | REPEC link

Andrea Bellucci, Alexander Borisov and Alberto Zazzaro

Bank Organization and Loan Contracting in Small Business Financing

(#424) | REPEC link

Alessandro Beber, Daniela Fabbri, Marco Pagano and Saverio Simonelli

Short-Selling Bans and Bank Stability

Forthcoming in Review of Corporate Finance Studies.

(#423) | REPEC link

Salvatore Capasso, Stefano Monferrà and Gabriele Sampagnaro

The Shadow Economy and Banks’ Lending Technology

(#422) | REPEC link

Dimitris Christelis, Dimitris Georgarakos, Tullio Jappelli and Maarten van Rooij

Consumption Uncertainty and Precautionary Saving

Published in {The Review of Economics and Statistics}, 2020, Vol. 102(1), 148-161

(#421) | REPEC link

Jakub Kastl, Marco Pagnozzi and Salvatore Piccolo

Selling Information to Competitive Firms

Published in {RAND Journal of Economic}, 2018, vol. 49(1), pp. 254-282

(#420) | REPEC link

Francesco Drago, Friederike Mengel and Christian Traxler

Compliance Behavior in Networks: Evidence from a Field Experiment

Forthcoming in {American Economic Journal: Applied Economics}

(#419) | REPEC link

Tullio Jappelli, Carmela Anna Nappi and Roberto Torrini

Research Quality and Gender Gap in Research Assessment

Published in Research Policy, June 2017, vol. 46, 911-924, with the title "Gender Effects in Research Evaluation"

(#418) | REPEC link

Maria Carmela Ceparano and Jacqueline Morgan

Equilibria Under Passive Beliefs for Multi-leader-follower Games with Vertical Information: Existence Results

Published in TOP with the title "Equilibria Selection for Multi-leader-follower Games with Vertical Information",

(#417) | REPEC link