
Annalisa Scognamiglio

When the Mafia Comes to Town

Forthcoming at [European Journal of Political Economy->DOI 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2018.05.005],

(#404) | REPEC link

Andrea Bellucci, Alexander Borisov, Germana Giombini and Alberto Zazzaro

Collateral and Local Lending: Testing the Lender-Based Theory

(#401) | REPEC link

Maria Rosaria Carillo, Vincenzo Lombardo and Alberto Zazzaro

Family Firms and Entrepreneurial Human Capital in the Process of Development

(#400) | REPEC link

Alexander Borisov, Andrew Ellul and Merih Sevilir

Access to Public Capital Markets and Employment Growth

(#399) | REPEC link

Giuseppe De Marco and Maria Romaniello

On Games and Equilibria with Coherent Lower Expectations

Published in {Mathematical Problems in Engineering}, Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 690295, 8 pages

(#397) | REPEC link

Antonio Acconcia, Giancarlo Corsetti and Saverio Simonelli

Liquidity and Consumption. Evidence from three Post-earthquakes Reconstruction Programs in Italy

This is a substantially revised version of the paper previously circulated with the title {The Consumption Response to Liquidity-Enhancing Transfers: Evidence from Italian Earthquakes} Forthcoming in {American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics}

(#396) | REPEC link

Tullio Jappelli, Immacolata Marino and Mario Padula

Households' Saving and Debt in Italy

Published in {Politica Economica – Journal of Economic Policy}, December 2014, vol. 2-3, 175-202

(#395) | REPEC link

Maia Güell, Michele Pellizzari, Giovanni Pica and José V. Rodríguez Mora

Correlating Social Mobility and Economic Outcomes

Published in The Economic Journal, 128(612), pp. F353-F403

(#394) | REPEC link

Antonio Acconcia and Claudia Cantabene

Liquidity and Firm Response to Fiscal Stimulus

Published in {Economic Journal}, 2018, 128(613), pp. 1759-1785

(#392) | REPEC link

Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Edoardo Di Porto and Gianluca Santoni

Migration, Labor Tasks and Production Structure

Published in Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2015, 53, July, pp 156-169.

(#390) | REPEC link

Giovanni Immordino and Francesco Flaviano Russo

Laws and Stigma: the Case of Prostitution

Published in European Journal of Law and Economics, 2015, 40(2), pp. 209-223

(#388) | REPEC link

Salvatore Morelli and Anthony B. Atkinson

Inequality and Crises Revisited

Published in {Economia Politica } - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics DOI: 10.1007/s40888-015-0006-y

(#387) | REPEC link

Giacinta Cestone, Chiara Fumagalli, Francis Kramarz and Giovanni Pica

Insurance Between Firms: The Role of Internal Labor Markets

(#386) | REPEC link