
Giuseppe De Marco Jacqueline Morgan

Kalai-Smorodinsky Bargaining Solution Equilibria

published in {Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications}, 2010, Vol. 145, 429-­449

(#235) | REPEC link

Renata Bottazzi, Tullio Jappelli and Mario Padula

The Portfolio Effect of Pension Reforms

Published in Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2011, 10(1), 75-97

(#234) | REPEC link

Haroon Mumtaz, Saverio Simonelli, Paolo Surico

International Comovements, Business Cycle and Inflation: a Historical Perspective

Published in {Review of Economic Dynamics } , 2011, vol. 14(1), pp. 176-198

(#233) | REPEC link

Antonio Acconcia, Giovanni Immordino, Salvatore Piccolo, Patrick Rey

Accomplice-Witnesses, Organized Crime and Corruption: Theory and Evidence from Italy

Published in Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2014, 116, pp. 1116-1159

(#232) | REPEC link

Carlo Altavilla and Matteo Ciccarelli

The Effects of Monetary Policy on Unemployment Dynamics Under Model Uncertainty. Evidence from the US and the Euro Area

Published in {Journal of Money, Credit and Banking}, 2009, 41(7), 1265-1300

(#231) | REPEC link

Dimitris Christelis, Dimitris Georgarakos and Michael Haliassos

Stockholding: From Participation to Location and to Participation Spillovers

Published with the title "Stockholding: Participation, location, and spillovers" in {Journal of Banking & Finance}, 2011, 35(8), 1918–1930

(#230) | REPEC link

Tullio Jappelli, Luigi Pistaferri

Does Consumption Inequality Track Income Inequality in Italy?

Published in {Review of Economic Dynamics}, January 2010, vol. 13, 133-153,

(#229) | REPEC link

Lisa Crosato, Sergio Destefanis and Piero Ganugi

Firm Size Distribution and Returns to Scale. Non-Parametric Frontier Estimates from Italian Manufacturing

Published in {[Innovation, Globalization and Firm Dynamics Lessons for Enterprise Policy->]}, Ferragina A.M., E. Taymaz and K. Yilmaz (eds), Routledge, London, 2014, pp. 71-94

(#228) | REPEC link

Federico Cingano Marco Leonardi Julian Messina Giovanni Pica

The Effect of Employment Protection Legislation and Financial Market Imperfections on Investment: Evidence from a Firm-Level Panel of EU countries

Published in {Economic Policy}, Volume 25, Issue 61, pp. 117-163.

(#227) | REPEC link

Fabrizio Castellucci, Mario Padula, Giovanni Pica

The Age-Productivity Gradient: Evidence from a Sample of F1 Drivers

Published in {Labour Economics}, 2011, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 464-473.

(#226) | REPEC link

Chiara Fumagalli Massimo Motta Thomas Rønde

Exclusive dealing, entry, and mergers

Published in Journal of Industrial Economics,Volume 57, Issue 4, December 2009, Pages: 785–811.

(#225) | REPEC link

Salvatore Piccolo

Colluding through Suppliers

Published in {RAND Journal of Economics}, 2012, Vol. 43, 492-513.

(#224) | REPEC link

Luigi Guiso, Tullio Jappelli and Mario Padula

Pension Risk, Retirement Saving and Insurance

Published in {Journal of Risk and Insurance}, vol. 80, 1057-1085, December 2013.

(#223) | REPEC link

Ciro Avitabile

Does Conditionality Matter for Adults' Health? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment

Published with the title "Does Information Improve the Health Behavior of Adults Targeted by a Conditional Transfer Program?", in {Journal of Human Resources Summer } 2012 vol. 47 no. 3 785-825.

(#222) | REPEC link

Ciro Avitabile

Advantageous Selection in the Private Hospital Insurance Market in Europe: Evidence on the Role of Education and Cognitive Ability

A former version of this paper was circulated under the title “The Health Insurance Puzzle in Europe: The Role of Information”.

(#221) | REPEC link

Giovanni Immordino, Marco Pagano and Michele Polo

Incentives to Innovate and Social Harm: Laissez-Faire, Authorization or Penalties?

Published in {Journal of Public Economics}, 2011, 95(7-8), 864–876

(#220) | REPEC link

Andreas Hackethal, Michael Haliassos and Tullio Jappelli

Financial Advisors: A Case of Babysitters?

Published in {Journal of Banking & Finance}, 2012, 36(2), 509-524

(#219) | REPEC link

Jakub Kastl David Martimort Salvatore Piccolo

"When Should Manufacturers Want Fair Trade?": New Insights from Asymmetric Information

Published in {Journal of Economics & Management Strategy}, 2011, Vol. 20, 649-677.

(#218) | REPEC link

Xavier Boutin Giacinta Cestone Chiara Fumagalli Giovanni Pica Nicolas Serrano-Velarde

The Deep-Pocket Effect of Internal Capital Markets

Published with the title 'The Deep-Pocket Eff ect of Internal Capital Markets', in {The Journal of Financial Economics}, 2013, 109(1), pp. 122-145.

(#217) | REPEC link