Working Papers
Tullio JappelliMarco Pagano
Role and Effects of Credit Information Sharing
Published in {The Economics of Consumer Credit: European Experience and Lessons from the US}, G. Bertola, R. Disney, and C. Grant (eds), Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2006.
(#136) | REPEC link
Adriana Kugler Giovanni Pica
The Effects of Employment Protection on the Italian Labour Market
Published under the title "Effects of Employment Protection on Job and Worker Flows: Evidence from the 1990 Italian Reform" in {Labour Economics}, 2008, Vol. 15, pp. 78-95.
(#135) | REPEC link
Giovanni Pica José V. Rodríguez Mora
FDI, Allocation of Talents and Differences in Regulation
(#134) | REPEC link
Giovanni Immordino Marco Pagano
Optimal Regulation of Auditing
Published in {CESifo Economic Studies}, 2007, Vol. 53, 3, pp. 363–388
(#133) | REPEC link
Dimitris Christelis, Tullio Jappelli Mario Padula
Wealth and Portfolio Composition
Published in {Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe - First Results from the Survey of Health, Assets and Retirement in Europe}, A. Börsch-Supan, A. Brugiavini, H. Jürges, J. Mackenbach, J. Siegrist, and G. Weber (eds). Mannheim: Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging, April 2005
(#132) | REPEC link
François Bourguignon Maria Concetta Chiuri
Labor market time and home production: A new test for collective models of intra- household allocation
(#131) | REPEC link
Michael Halling, Marco Pagano, Otto Randl, Josef Zechner
Where is the Market? Evidence from Cross-Listings in the U.S.
Published in {Review of Financial Studies}, 2008, vol. 21(2), pages 725-761
(#129) | REPEC link
Anna Sanz de Galdeano, Daniela Vuri
Does Parental Divorce Affect Adolescents' Cognitive Development? Evidence from Longitudinal Data
Published in {Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics}, 2007, vol. 69, pp. 321-338
(#128) | REPEC link
Marco Pagnozzi
Bids as a Vehicle of (Mis)Information: Collusion in English Auctions with Affiliated Values
Published in {Journal of Economics & Management Strategy}, 2011, Vol. 20(4), pp. 1171-1196
(#127) | REPEC link
Marco Pagano Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden
The European Bond Markets under EMU
Published in {Oxford Review of Economic Policy}, 2004, vol. 20, pages 531-54. Reprinted in {Handbook of European Financial Markets and Institutions}, edited by X. Freixas, P. Hartmann and C. Mayer, Oxford University Press, New York, 2008.
(#126) | REPEC link
Issam Hallak
Why Borrowers Pay Premiums to Larger Lenders: Empirical Evidence from Sovereign Syndicated Loans
(#124) | REPEC link
Maria Grazia Romano
Learning, Cascades and Transaction Costs
Published in {Review of Finance } , 2007, 11 (3): 527-560
(#123) | REPEC link
Anna Sanz De Galdeano
Health Insurance and Job Mobility: Evidence from Clinton's Second Mandate
Published in {Industrial and Labor Relations Review}, 2006, vol. 59, pp. 430-37
(#122) | REPEC link
Maria Concetta Chiuri, Giuseppe De Arcangelis Angela Maria D’Uggento, Giovanni Ferri
Illegal Immigration into Italy: Evidence from a field survey
(#121) | REPEC link
Tullio Jappelli, Luigi Pistaferri, Guglielmo Weber
Health Care Quality and Economic Inequality
Published in {Health Economics}, 2007, vol. 16, 4, pp. 327-346
(#120) | REPEC link
Raquel Fonseca Natalia Utrero
Do Market Regulation and Financial Imperfections Affect Firm Size? New Empirical Evidence
(#119) | REPEC link
Luigi Guiso, Tullio Jappelli, Mario Padula and Marco Pagano
Financial Market Integration and Economic Growth in the EU
Published in {Economic Policy}, October 2004, n. 40, 523-577
(#118) | REPEC link
Marcello D'Amato
Commitment of Monetary Policy with Uncertain Central Bank Preferences
(#117) | REPEC link