Working Papers
Maria Concetta Chiuri
Intra-Household Allocation of Time and Resources: Empirical Evidence on a Sample of Italian Households with Young Children
(#15) | REPEC link
Tullio Jappelli
The Age-Wealth Profile and The Life-Cycle Hypothesis: a Cohort Analysis with a Time Series of Cross-Sections of Italian Households
Published in {Review of Income and Wealth}, 1999, vol. 45, pp. 57-76
(#14) | REPEC link
Tullio Jappelli Marco Pagano
The Welfare Effects of Liquidity Constraints
Published in {Oxford Economic Papers}, 1999, vol. 51, pp. 410-430
(#13) | REPEC link
Tullio Jappelli Luigi Pistaferri
Using Subjective Income Expectations to Test for Excess Sensitivity of Consumption to Predicted Income Growth
Published in {European Economic Review}, 2000, vol. 44, pp. 337-358
(#12) | REPEC link
Michael Haliassos Christis Hassapis
Borrowing Constraints, Portfolio Choice, and Precautionary Motives: Theoretical Predictions and Empirical Complications
Published in {Computational Methods in Decision-making, Economics and Finance}, Kontoghiorghes, E., B. Rustem and S. Siokos (eds), Kluwer, 2002
(#11) | REPEC link
Michael Manove, A. Jorge Padilla, Marco Pagano
Collateral vs. Project Screening: A Model of Lazy Banks
Published in {RAND Journal of Economics}, 2001, Vol. 32, No. 4, Winter.
(#10) | REPEC link
Tullio Jappelli Franco Modigliani
The Age-Saving Profile and the Life-Cycle Hypothesis
Published in {The Collected Papers of Franco Modigliani } - Vol. 6. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2005, 141-72. Published also in {Long Run Growth and Short Run Stabilization: Essays in Memory of Albert Ando}, edited by Lawrence Klein. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, April 2006.
(#9) | REPEC link
Luigi Guiso, Tullio Jappelli and Luigi Pistaferri
What Determines Earnings and Employment Risk?
Published in {Journal of Business and Economic Statistics}, April 2002, vol. 20, issue 2, pages 241-253
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Luigi Pistaferri
Superior Information, Income Shocks and the Permanent Income Hypothesis
Published in {Review of Economics and Statistics}, 2001, vol. 83, pp. 465-476
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Orazio Attanasio Tullio Jappelli
Intertemporal Choice and the Cross Sectional Variance of Marginal Utility
Published in {Review of Economics and Statistics}, 2001, vol. 83, 1, pp. 13-27
(#6) | REPEC link
Luigi Pistaferri
Recommendations in the Italian Labour Market: An Empirical Analysis
Published in {Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia}, 1999, vol. 58, pp. 355-75
(#5) | REPEC link
Marco Pagano
The Changing Microstructure of European Equity Markets
Published in {European Securities Markets: the Investment Services Directive and Beyond}, edited by Guido Ferrarini. Kluwer Law International, 1998
(#4) | REPEC link
Orazio Attanasio, Luigi Guiso Tullio Jappelli
The Demand for Money, Financial Innovation, and the Welfare Cost of Inflation: An Analysis with Households' Data
Published in {Journal of Political Economy}, 2002, vol. 110, pp. 317-352
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Luigi Guiso, Tullio Jappelli
Background Uuncertainty and the Demand for Insurance against Insurable Risks
Published in {The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory}, 1998, vol. 23, pp. 7-27
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Tullio Jappelli and Marco Pagano
The Determinants of Savings: Lessons from Italy
Published in {Accounting for Saving: Financial Liberalization, Capital Flows and Growth in Latin America and Europe}, C. Reinhart (ed.), Washington: Inter-American Development Bank, 1999
(#1) | REPEC link